I’m not a plein aire painter. I’m just not. Although painting outside and being out in the open looks romantic, the reality for me is moments of shear mixed with being cold or hot and dealing with wind, bugs, changing light, lugging gear, limited time, and the need for bathroom breaks. I take my hat off to those who do, and there are lots of them, but it’s just not for me.
I do, however, LOVE to take pictures out in the fresh air, bring them inside, and paint them at my leisure.
I got my first camera when I was 9, a Kodak Brownie Pendaflex with a flash and a viewfinder from the top. Since the mid-80s, when I became more serious about photography, I used a fancy camera. Then I realized my phone was just as good or better, for my purposes at least. (The only thing I miss is an eyepiece to limit the sunlight on the image screen. For that, I might get a new camera.)
You already know how easy the phone camera is. You see something along the road, whip out your phone click away. I take lots of pictures of a scene from various viewpoints, trying different compositions. Sometimes, the picture in the viewer is dar sky is Then, back in my studio, I play with the images and on the easel, I either use one image or a combination of images.
Working from photographs in the studio makes it easier to accept commissions, too. Clients send me photographs that might make good paintings. I offer suggestions and usually ask for several of the subject. We agree on an approach, and I go to work. Usually, after several weeks I contact my client to see if, as I’m nearing the end of the project, alterations need to be made. Does it look like your daughter, pet, father, house? If not, we make alterations until it does.
I work on an approval basis, with half down at the beginning of the project. The rest is due when my client approves the painting, a happy moment for all of us.
If you’re interested in booking a commission or are lucky enough to be in Michigan's beautiful Leelanau County and would like to view my home gallery, email me - linda@lindaalicedewey.com.
Crystal River Sunset in January, original 11 x 14 commission, now available as a print in my gallery
Original pic by Laurie Heilman first posted on Facebook
Quinn, client photo
Quinn, 14 x 11 commissioned pastel painting